
Why adoption?

My amazing husband and I have been married almost 6 years and have had one rollercoaster ride all the way. :) We have a wonderful 4 year old son who is a Firecracker and the center of our universe. A year after Firecracker was born, I miscarried. A few months later we found out my husband was deploying to Afghanistan for a year. So after asking my OBGYNs advice and running blood tests to make sure it was okay to wait from a biological standpoint, we decided to wait until after hubby returned home. The reason being is that when I was pregnant with Firecracker I had hyperemesis. Hyperemesis is SEVERE morning sickness. Not the normal kind but the kind where I had many ER visits and had to get IVs twice a week until I was 6 months along because I couldn’t keep anything down. Nothing. It was the hardest thing I have ever been through to this day (including a deployment). So because my pregnancy was hard, we thought it would be too hard for me to handle another rough pregnancy with a toddler and a deployed husband. My blood tests were all perfect too and we thought it was okay to wait. Fast forward and here we are 9 months after my husband is home from Afghanistan and we are pursuing adoption. After hubby returned I was diagnosed with low ovarian reserve. I apparently have the eggs of a 42 year old and I am only 37. If only my OB would had run the proper tests we would have known. So rather than go down the IVF road, we decided we would pursue adoption because of all the signs that God and the Universe are presenting.

**update.  Hubs got a new semen analysis done a couple weeks ago.  He had SUPER sperm before he left for Afghanistan and now has terrible sperm.  We froze three vials before he left and compared to todays results it is incredible to see the difference. The RE says he was definitely exposed to something very bad over there :(  Another thing he has sacrificed for his country! Also another sign from the universe.

Speaking of signs, I always say when you don’t pay attention in life; the universe will MAKE you pay attention. Or if you hear the same thing from three or more people, you better pay attention! Needless to say, I got the point Universe. I hear you loud and clear!

We are SO excited to be starting our adoption journey and continue growing our family. It is a long time coming and boy (or girl) are we ready!!

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